Fiddler Everywhere

Fiddler is another useful tool to capture and understand network activity. Fiddler Everywhere Beta allows you to now use it on Linux.


  1. Download Fiddler Everywhere Beta

  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where Fiddler has been downloaded to.

  3. Make the file executable with the following command “chmod a+x progress-telerik-fiddler.AppImage”

Launch Fiddler

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where Fiddler has been downloaded to.

  2. Launch the application with the following command “./progress-telerik-fiddler.AppImage”

  3. The interface is very clean and by default is set to start capturing traffic from the off.


Inspectors (Default window)

This view while capturing data

  • The left hand panel lists the traffic that is being captured by Fiddler.

  • The right hand panel displays the detail of each request.

  • The bottom left hand bar has a Capturing/Capture button depending on the mode of operation. This is how you can stop and start the capture.


This view allows you to make requests

  • The top panel enables you to build up requests. Here you enter the target URL, Headers and Body information.

  • Over on the top right hand side of the top bar is a HTTP version and Execute button. Once the request is formed simply click Execute and the request will be made. If Fiddler is still in capturing mode the requests will be listed under the Inspectors tab.

  • The bottom panel shows the response on the request.

An example request would look like



User-Agent: Fiddler


Fiddler is another useful tool to have by your side. Providing another method of understanding the flow of data and even injecting your own data.


Fiddler Everywhere


HAR to JMX File


Data Extraction