Martkos IT Ltd

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JMeter (Master/Slave)

Apache JMeter can be used in a master / slave mode allowing the distribution of load across multiple servers. This can be accessed by the GUI but also run in headless mode. In this blog post we will explain how to configure this on Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster).


You will need to follow these steps to install JAVA, JMeter and configure the system. Repeat for each.

Step 1 – JAVA

See this content in the original post

Step 2 - Install JMeter

See this content in the original post

Step 3 - Configure Host

See this content in the original post

Step 4 - Configure JMeter

See this content in the original post

Step 5 - Add Certificate

See this content in the original post

Step 6 - Start JMeter Server

See this content in the original post

Step 7 - Run JMeter Master

See this content in the original post

If all has gone well your test should execute and you should see the standard JMeter summary.


Apache Remote Testing

Blazemeter Remote Testing